Head Shots
Head Shots
Final Q's
Have any details/times/or locations changed since the last time we talked?
Are there any wedding guidelines in the church or ceremony that we need to be aware of?
Where will we be taking photos after the ceremony?
Which of your guests can be our contact person on your wedding day? Someone who knows a lot of your guests would be ideal. This is the person we will call if we get lost or can’t find an important guest.
Should we plan for a "First Look" before the ceremony?
What are your wedding colors?
Does your wedding have a particular theme? Distinctive style? Important detail?
Will there be a photo booth or any other photographers at the ceremony?
Getting to Know Your Guests
Important friends or family members? We know they wouldn’t have been invited if they weren’t important to you. But if it’s also your Great Grandmother’s 100th birthday, we’d love to know.
How many guests are you expecting?
How many people in your wedding party?
Are you planning a formal entrance to the reception?
Will you provide us with a meal? By providing us with a meal in the same room as your guests, we can capture all of the impromptu moments and speeches that happen. If you’re unable to provide a meal, we’ll have to leave to go get food during that time.
P.S. Your Photographer (Jamie) cannot eat gluten. If this is an issue please let her know :)
Recent trends favor a more organic approach for candid photography. However would you prefer that we take “traditional posed table shots”? Table shots are when a photographer goes table-to-table to take groups shots of your guests.
At the reception, are you planning an “Exit shot”?
If so: What kind? Will you be leaving after the exit shot or will it be "staged"?
We’ve covered a lot of details but are there any must have shots, interesting details or favorite parts of your wedding we should know about?
Other Vendors
Please provide contact e-mail if possible
Wedding Dress Retailer:
Wedding Planner:
We don’t believe family issues (divorce, feuds, etc.) are any of our business but if there are sensitive situations that will affect how you’d like us to shoot, please let us know.
Is there anything we didn’t ask that you’d like us to keep in mind?
If you have a Pinterest board full of inspiration that you would like to share with your photographers please add the link here:
Yay! We cannot wait to capture your big day!
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